Andrea Waltz and Carl Ingalls will continue our conversation about similarities and differences between these two selling systems. Our previous conversation was on 28 June 2021, and may be viewed on You Tube.
The conversation will be streamed live to the High Probability Selling company page on Facebook, at If you choose to “like” that page, Facebook will automatically notify you of this event.
The event is open to the public and is free (no charge). No registration required.
Date: Tuesday 28 September 2021
Time: 3pm 5pm USA Eastern Time (same as New York City)
Duration: 1 hour
Comments posted to the streaming event on Facebook will be forwarded to both presenters, and we will answer questions if we can.
The event will be recorded, and the recording will be posted to the High Probability Selling channel on YouTube ( If you subscribe to that channel, YouTube will notify you when the recording is available.
It may be useful to read the book, Go for No!, by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz, before the discussion.
Please note the schedule change. It was 3pm and is now 5pm. Still Tue 28 Sep 2021.