The Book
The Book
High Probability Selling
by Jacques Werth and Nicholas Ruben
This book tells the story of a salesperson learning High Probability Selling on the job. It is a good illustration of what the process looks like, and can help the reader decide whether they want to learn more, or not.
Some sections of the book are available on this website (the Introduction plus Chapters 1-4, plus a bit more). We invite you to read them by clicking on the links below.
If you want to read more, you will need to get a copy of the book.
Reading More of the Book
You can purchase the book from us on our shop webpage, or you can get the Kindle Edition from Amazon.
The “High Probability Selling” book is available in several formats (physical, digital, printed, spoken): paperback, audio CD, Kindle, PDF, and audio MP3. The price is $10 to $40 (USD), depending on which format you buy, and where you buy it.
Beyond the Book ... From Reading to Doing
If you want to learn how to do High Probability Selling, the best place to begin is to read the book. Keep reading it again and again (focusing especially on Chapter 12), until you don't learn anything new from repeated readings. Most people are able to learn to do at least some parts of the High Probability Selling process by doing this. A few have been very successful.
However, most people don't become as successful as they want to be just from reading the book. For these people, we offer coaching and other forms of sales training in High Probability Selling, and we also sell recordings of teleseminars.