Here are 2 guiding principles that make NO SENSE to most but are absolutely fundamental to really doing work that matters.
The marketing “tough” guys and gals out there will flick it off like a used-up virtue-signaling bandaid.
But, for those who want to know, here they are.
1.) Instead of obsessing over the money your customers or clients may give you…why not “obsess over” the service you bring to the table?
Bring back the humanity to what you offer.
Get in their world by calling a cease-fire on using your over-the-moon “results” that may or may not be relevant to their market, list, offerings, etc.
2.) Our best prospects need to be discovered (period). Your main gig is to find them. And for your truest top prospects, they won’t be “molded”, “gotten”, or “pushed” into buying.
They’re already educated about their needs, wants, and budget.
They know their business…well.
They’re even aware of the problem(s) they see hence their desire to buy from the right person if their conditions of satisfaction are met. (this one very few know to do or do it consciously)
Maybe that’s you and maybe it ain’t.
That’s ok.
If you start with service on the mind over dollars, you gain both.
And how you get there friends – is by being a market listener, leading with empathy, & determining IF what you have is the answer or not.
Want more?
Actionable Tip: Think about how YOU buy something…is it at first sight?
Or does it take some time to mull things over after watching a video, listening to an expert opinion, looking up reviews, having a few website ganders, and all that?
Until next time, keep learning, keep growing!