Gotta Get Back to HPS

Have you ever thought…I gotta get going with HPS again?

Have you ever learned a skill and then eventually, over time, found you have drifted away from the fundamentals?

Noticed that you’re starting to pick up some not-so-beneficial habits around that skill?

Or partially abandoned the principles in an effort to “adapt” or conform to a non-HPS assignment?

Found yourself selling SaaS and presenting the demo to anyone who fogs a mirror, just so you can stay employed?  Which seems the opposite of HPS…

Left sales entirely, either voluntarily or otherwise and are re-entering sales after a couple years or more?

You took an HPS workshop years ago, but most of the course didn’t seem to directly apply to your business at the time.  Now it does and you’re feeling a bit “rusty”?

If you feel like you “gotta get going again” with High Probability Selling, you are not alone.

Join us at our next High Probability Selling Community Forum, live on Zoom tomorrow, Thursday 5 September 2024 at 11 AM (USA Eastern Time). Register here, and we will send you the Zoom details.

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