A recent graduate of our High Probability Selling (HPS) and High Probability Prospecting (HPP) Workshops wrote to us about how his new mindset about selling has changed his sales career.
Jacques and Richard,
Thank you for the HPS and HPP workshops. You have given me a new mindset that has changed the way I interact with people (both at work and at home) and that has given me a foundation to build the rest of my sales career on. Before I took your class I wasn’t hurting or about to quit my job, but I was starting to plateau. Your workshops have made my old ceiling my new floor.
Today I finished an appointment that I know I would not have been able to close using my old sales techniques. Instead of presenting my product through my understanding of the prospect’s situation (i.e. guessing what they wanted), I was able to gain their trust and respect and to understand exactly what they wanted and what they were willing to live without. The best part is that a number of my old “lost” sales fall into the same category as the prospect above. It’s like I’ve opened up a whole new market simply by talking differently to my current market.
Thanks again
Note: We have not identified the author of this email, because the High Probability way of thinking is not what his company currently believes about selling.