Are You Stuck with Slow Sales Growth?

By Jacques Werth
High Probability Selling

If your sales productivity is not continuously improving, then you are probably stuck.  It is likely because you are using one or more of the following sales methods and tactics:

  • Cold Calling          
  • Solution Selling
  • Needs Selling
  • Selling Benefits      
  • Consultative Selling
  • Rapport Building
  • Identifying Needs   
  • Finding Pain                   
  • Presenting            
  • Persuading            
  • Convincing                     
  • Closing Techniques
  • Overcoming Objections

Why would any of those methods and tactics get you stuck?  Because they are all parts of the traditional selling system that was developed over 70 years ago.  It all worked pretty well until around the mid-1980s.  Since then these have all gradually become obsolete. 

The world has changed immensely in the last 20 years:  culturally, economically, technically, educationally, and so on.  It all started with the advent of the personal computer and then the Internet.  Every other business activity (such as marketing, finance, engineering, accounting, etc.) has changed dramatically to adjust to those changes.  Yet, selling has changed very little in the last 70 years.  

If you want to get unstuck, if you are ready for dramatic sales growth, find out about the new sales process that really works now. Learn about the new sales process, developed by top performing salespeople, to take advantage of the modern business environment. 

If you want to learn the process and mindset of top producing salespeople, you want to learn more about High Probability Selling.

Until Next Time…Sell Well

Jacques Werth – High Probability Selling

Copyright 2007.


Tags: How+to+sell, The+secret+to+selling, Selling+and+Persuasion

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