by Carl Ingalls
I’m sure you’ve had a salesperson try to push you into a sale by asking something like, “You do want to make money, don’t you?” How does that make you feel?
A few weeks ago I got a call from a salesman representing a major telephone service provider that wanted my business back. He was eager to send me a quote so he could prove to me that he could save me money.
The next time he called, I thanked him for the quote. I told him I had decided to stay with my current provider, which was a small local telephone service reseller. He asked me who that was, and I told him.
And then, in a slightly derogatory tone, he asked, “Why would you want to stay with them?”
That stopped me cold. It felt so disrespectful. I thought about it a bit. Then I remembered a very important principle.
I said, “I don’t do business with people who talk to me like that. Goodbye.”
Only do business when there is mutual trust and respect.