The teleseminar workshop on Chapter 12 of the book, High Probability Selling by Jacques Werth and Nicholas Ruben is now on the calendar, and is available for purchase now.
Date: Thursday 18 August 2016
Time: 3:30pm to 4:30pm Eastern Time USA (same as New York City).
Where: Telephone (teleconference instructions will be sent to participants)
What: A review and explanation of the last chapter, “A Complete High Probability Sale”
Led by: Carl Ingalls, +1 610-627-9030, [email protected]
Price: $45 USD per person for full participation, or $35 USD per person to get the recording only. Do Not Send Credit Card Info by Email
This teleseminar workshop is a review of the last chapter of the book, High Probability Selling by Jacques Werth and Nicholas Ruben. Chapter 12 shows what “A Complete High Probability Sale” looks like, with all of the steps put together, but there are no explanations in that chapter about what is happening. Each step is explained here.
The workshop is one session, one hour long (possibly longer), and led by Carl Ingalls. It is live and interactive, with answers to participant’s questions. Make sure you have a copy of the book with you, so you can follow the discussion. An audio recording of the session will be sent to each participant.
To read more or to purchase, please visit HPS Training on our main website.