Sequence of Steps in High Probability Selling

In High Probability Selling (HPS), we begin with the steps in Prospecting (listed). If we decide that the probability of a good outcome is high enough, then we proceed with Selling. Marketing can support HPS, but is not part of it.

In High Probability Selling (HPS), we begin with the steps in Prospecting (see below).  If we decide that the probability of a good outcome is high enough, then we proceed with Selling.  Marketing can support HPS, but is not part of it.


Prospecting is where we find someone who is likely to buy from us, and is where we begin to apply our tests about the probability of a desirable outcome.  Here are the steps, in sequence:

  • Getting and Using Lists
  • Creating Prospecting Offers
  • Reaching Out
  • Responding to a Prospect Who Contacts You
  • Presenting an Offer
  • Asking About Want
  • Testing Probability (Initial Disqualification)
  • Setting an Appointment
  • Asking for a Conditional Commitment


In HPS, Selling begins with the first appointment.  It may be face-to-face (in person) or by telephone, or something else.  We only do this after we have decided that a desirable outcome is sufficiently likely.  Selling ends with the close, which may be on the same appointment, or not.

  • Asking Personal Questions
  • Confirming Want
  • Testing Probability (Deeper Disqualification)
  • Asking for Conditional Commitment Again
  • Getting the Details Right (Conditions of Satisfaction)
  • Closing


When we do something that is directed at many people at the same time, we call it marketing.  When we communicate one-on-one, we call it prospecting or selling.  Marketing is not part of the sequence of steps in High Probability Selling.

Choose a marketing strategy that works well with the selling strategy you use.  For instance, if you use a selling method that does not educate prospects, then make sure your marketing methods perform this function well.

Questions and comments are welcome.  I will respond to as many as I can.  – Carl Ingalls

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