There’s often more to a High Probability Outbound Prospecting Offer than whether or not it fits the template.
And many, including myself, have spent a long frustrating time trying to figure out the High Prob Prospecting offer that “WORKS BEST”. Especially when the one we thought would “WORK” doesn’t seem to connect, nor deliver. Something is missing, but we can’t quite “see” it.
Almost always the offer is well written and structured and it meets the HPS offer criteria and attributes. But it doesn’t produce anything useful. Sometimes, it’s not entirely the offer. The mismatch is in the factors beyond the scope of the offer itself.
List design, target market, real market, location, timing, competitors, changing markets, prospect perspectives of value, our perception of value, etc.
The next time it seems like your offer “DOESN’T work”, step back and look beyond the words, Beyond the Offer.