High Probability Selling — HPS

A simple alternative to the usual way of selling

HPS Community Forum — Discussions About High Probability Selling
Live and Interactive on Zoom - No Charge

About the HPS Community Forum

A series of interactive and live meetings on Zoom, where a group of people talk about High Probability Selling and how it applies in today's world. 

We meet 2 to 4 times each month, for 60 to 90 minutes.  Each meeting is announced ahead of time on the HPS Blog (with the date, time, and featured topic).

Anyone with an interest in High Probability Selling is welcome, no charge.

Register or Sign Up

After you are registered, you will receive an email with instructions for joining us on Zoom.  You will also receive instructions for each future forum meeting (until you ask us to stop). 

There may be a delay of several seconds after you click the Submit button above.